Exporting companies must register with the NZ Tamarillo Export Council Ltd (TEC).
Please download the Tamarillo Exporter Registration and Declaration Form, complete your details, sign and then email the form to export@tamarillo.com or post the completed form to:
Aaron Davies
The Manager
Tamarillo Export Council
36 Kahikatea Drive
RD 9
Whangarei 0179
All exporters need to complete a monthly export sales report and return to the TEC.
The export of tamarillos from New Zealand is subject to controls under the NZ Horticultural Authority Act 1987. Standards are controlled by the Export Marketing Strategy, a document compiled by the NZ Tamarillo Export Council (TEC) within the legal framework of the HEA Act. The strategy provides clear guidelines to industry members regarding membership registration, fruit quality, food safety and traceability.
Registered exporters are obliged to source their fruit only from export-registered growers who have complied with the food safety requirements of export markets.
Current Licensed New Zealand Tamarillo Exporters:
Fresh Produce NZ Ltd
Contact: Russell Faulkner
Address: PO Box 301-466, Albany, Auckland
Phone: 021 489 995
Email: russell@freshproducegroup.co.nz
Web site: www.freshproducegroup.co.nz