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Tamarillo Bavarian Cream


1/2 cup cold water 1 tablespoon gelatine 100 g sugar 1 cup sliced tamarillos 1 tablespoon lemon juice 150 ml cream

Mix gelatine with water and stand for 5 minutes. Add sugar. Heat and stir until sugar and gelatine dissolve. Add tamarillos and lemon juice. Cool and then chill in freezer until mixture is the consistency of uncooked egg white. Beat this jelly mixture until light and fluffy. Whip cream then fold the two together. Can pour into individual dishes and decorate with whipped cream and sugared tamarillos. (I always double this recipe as it is so yummy).  Serves 4.

Recipe provided by Pat Schischka.


© 2019 NZ Tamarillo Growers Association

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